

作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家    来源: 网络整理    阅读次数:116   发布时间: 2021-07-30 10:06:18
导读:传动滚筒的直径之间的关系的传送带和布层输送带、传动滚筒的匹配和重新定位鼓以及要求支持辊的槽角应合理选择输送机的按照设计规定。 The matching and re-positioning drum of transmission b


  The matching and re-positioning drum of transmission belt and layer conveyor belt, the matching and re-positioning drum of transmission drum and the groove angle of supporting roll should be reasonably selected according to the design regulations.


  The feeding direction should be consistent with the running direction of the conveyor belt. In order to reduce the influence of material falling on conveyor belt, chute should be used to reduce the distance of material falling. The receiving part of the pattern conveyor belt should shorten the distance between the idlers and use the buffer idler as material leakage. Conveyor Belt should adopt soft and moderate fixed plate to avoid material plate being too hard and scraping conveyor belt surface. Conveyor Belt should not run faster than 5.0m/s. When transporting massive and worn materials, low speed should be used as far as possible, and fixed plough unloading device should be adopted. When the speed exceeds the prescribed speed, the service life of the conveyor belt will be affected. Conveyor belts should be kept clean during transportation and storage. Avoid direct sunlight or rain and snow immersion. Avoid contact with acids, alkali, oil, organic solvents and other substances, and keep away from the heating device for one meter.


  Adjust cleaning device and scraper to avoid abrasion of conveyor belt, and avoid oil or grease and other debris sticking to conveyor belt and idler or idler. There are general herringbone, convex herringbone, horizontal lattice, round nail and other types. This product is suitable for conveying bulk, granular, bagged and powdery materials, such as coal, coke, wood, sand, cement bags, food and other materials.

以上就是擎川EVERLA给大家分享的“ 花纹输送带的运输方向与运输速度!”相关信息,希望通过介绍,能对大家有所帮助,擎川输送带厂家15年专注于食品输送带PVC输送带PU输送带、PU同步带、特氟龙输送带、尼龙片基带研制生产,为食品、医药、日化领域提供一站式输送带解决方案。如果您有输送带的采购需求,欢迎来电咨询400-9688-278

版权所有:广州擎川机电设备有限公司 ICP备案编号: 粤ICP备10044833号 热线电话:400-9688-278 邮 箱:everlas@163.com 传 真:020-82348125
办公地址:广东省广州市天河区东圃镇宦溪西路宦溪工业区12号A栋 联系人:罗小姐 手机联系:135-3307-0862