

作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家    来源: 网络整理    阅读次数:72   发布时间: 2021-07-16 11:40:16
导读:1、两者的厚度不同 1. The thickness of the two is different 轻型输送带的厚度普通在非常之一毫米到十毫米之间不等,而重型输送带的厚度普通都大于七毫米。 The thickness of light conveyor belts usu


  1. The thickness of the two is different


  The thickness of light conveyor belts usually varies from one tenth of a millimeter to ten millimeters, while the thickness of heavy conveyor belts is generally greater than seven millimeters.


  2. They use different materials


  Light conveyor belts are mostly made of non-toxic and harmless materials, which can be used according to different requirements. The heavy conveyor belt is usually made of rubber, which has a big smell. It is mainly used to transport materials such as sand and slag.


  3. They use different environments


  Light conveyor belt is generally suitable for indoor environment, of course, it can also add high temperature and low temperature resistant materials according to practical needs. Heavy conveyor belt is mainly used in outdoor harsh environment.


  4. Different industries apply to the two


  Light conveyor belt is commonly used in chemical industry, food factory, electronics, printing and dyeing and other light industrial lines. Heavy conveyor belt is commonly used in mining, building materials, ports and other heavy industries that need to transport large quantities of goods.

以上就是擎川EVERLA给大家分享的“ 大倾角输送带轻型和重型的区别是什么?”相关信息,希望通过介绍,能对大家有所帮助,擎川输送带厂家15年专注于食品输送带PVC输送带PU输送带、PU同步带、特氟龙输送带、尼龙片基带研制生产,为食品、医药、日化领域提供一站式输送带解决方案。如果您有输送带的采购需求,欢迎来电咨询400-9688-278

版权所有:广州擎川机电设备有限公司 ICP备案编号: 粤ICP备10044833号 热线电话:400-9688-278 邮 箱:everlas@163.com 传 真:020-82348125
办公地址:广东省广州市天河区东圃镇宦溪西路宦溪工业区12号A栋 联系人:罗小姐 手机联系:135-3307-0862