

作者:擎川EVERLA输送带厂家    来源: 网络整理    阅读次数:74   发布时间: 2021-07-16 11:40:17


  Side conveyor belt is widely used in lifting and conveying of various materials because of its smaller space and low cost. In actual production, skirt and partition are often broken more than other places. Why? Qingdao Jiaoliu? Conveyor belt will find out the reason for you! Only good equipment and good management can make products!


  1、 Main causes of damage:

  1. 皮带轮的压力:

  1. Pressure of pulley:


  The linear speed of big wheel and small wheel is different, but the speed of welding big wheel and small wheel is the same, so the small wheel form and the top friction resistance of skirt;


  B. The diameter of the small wheel is large, the top of the skirt is forced to press down, and with resistance friction, the skirt edge will soon wear and crack.

  2. 检查返程长辊的缺陷。从照片上看不出来。无论皮带是否张紧,如果皮带不张紧,会导致皮带在运行过程中上下跳动,撞到托辊,造成裙边开裂。

  2. Check the defects of return long roll. I can't see it in the picture. No matter whether the belt is tensioned or not, if the belt is not tensioned, it will cause the belt to run up and down, hit the idler, and cause the skirt to crack.


  3. The distance between the short idler and the return skirt is very small, and the top of the short idler directly contacts and passes through the skirt.

  4. 护墙板顶部外侧有明显的缺角,说明护墙板与钢件有划痕和碰撞。

  4. There is obvious missing angle on the outside of the top of the wall panel, indicating that there are scratches and collisions between the wall panel and the steel parts.


  II. Suggestions for improvement:


  1. The pressing pulley must be replaced, and the small pulley has a separate bearing, so that it can rotate independently and freely; the diameter of the small pulley is reduced, so that it is not connected with the skirt top under normal circumstances.

  2. 如果回程长托辊与裙边接触,则可将长托辊放低,使裙边不与之接触;或者,抬高短托辊,这样裙子的顶部就不会碰到长托辊。

  2. If the return long idler is in contact with the skirt, lower the long idler so that the skirt is not in contact with it; or, raise the short idler so that the top of the skirt does not touch the long idler.


  3. Adjust the distance between the end of the short idler and the skirt. In the case of derailment, one end of the idler will not wear with the skirt.


  III. a key:

  1. 输送带的裙边和隔板不得与钢材直接接触。凡有接触处,应采取改进措施消除接触点。

  1. The skirt and partition of the conveyor belt shall not be in direct contact with the steel. Where there is contact, improvement measures shall be taken to eliminate the contact point.

  2. 裙子的作用是防止布料向两边扩散;分离器的作用是输送物料,防止物料滑动,实现大角度输送。

  2. The function of skirt is to prevent cloth from spreading to both sides; the function of separator is to transport materials, prevent materials from sliding, and realize large angle transportation.


  3. Maintenance principle:


  a. If there is any damage, check whether there is direct contact with the equipment;


  B) Eliminate hidden dangers.

以上就是擎川EVERLA给大家分享的“ 挡边输送带为何裙边与隔板先破损?”相关信息,希望通过介绍,能对大家有所帮助,擎川输送带厂家15年专注于食品输送带PVC输送带PU输送带、PU同步带、特氟龙输送带、尼龙片基带研制生产,为食品、医药、日化领域提供一站式输送带解决方案。如果您有输送带的采购需求,欢迎来电咨询400-9688-278

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